
Operational Overview

Esh El-Mallaha area is located on the western coast of the Gulf of Suez which is considered the biggest source of hydrocarbon resources in Egypt. Reservoirs range in age from Cretaceous to Miocene.

WEEM Concession is located in the southern province of GOS.

The southern province of GOS is characterized by SW dip regime, such dip regime normally controlled by both clysmic and cross fault trend.

SM oil Field located in the Southwest area of the WEEM Block.
The concession is surrounded by:

  • ESHPETCO – a concession owned by LUKOIL, WEEM are producing from more than 40 wells with cumulative production of + 57 MMBO.
  • WADI El-SAHL – a concession with total of 18.33 MMSTB recoverable resources.

Those oil fields are currently on production from the Nubia, Matulla and Nukhul sandstone reservoirs, additionally some productions have been encountered from Eocene carbonate reservoirs.

The certified 2P reserves, thoroughly evaluated and validated as of June 2023, showcase a volume of 9.3 million barrels of oil equivalent.